Book jacket image for What an Owl Knows by Jennifer Ackerman

Penguin Press



What an Owl Knows

Bestselling author and passionate bird advocate Jennifer Ackerman goes around the world to find out why owls so intrigue humans in her wide-ranging and wonderful new book.

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Review of ‘What an Owl Knows’

Owls are adorable, alluring and enduringly fascinating. They’ve been featured in everything from ancient cave paintings to the works of Picasso, iconic Tootsie Pop commercials, the Harry Potter series, mythology and poetry.

“What is it about owls that so enthralls us?” asks bestselling author, prolific science writer and passionate bird advocate Jennifer Ackerman (

Interview with Jennifer Ackerman

The bestselling author of bird books turns her attention to one of the most alluring avians in What an Owl Knows.

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